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Yuri Seo

Dr. Yuri Seo is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Auckland Business School. His research examines psychological and sociological approaches to consumer behaviour. Yuri has published 38 AJG-3/4/4* (46 ABDC-A/A*) journal articles, which include publications in premier marketing outlets such as Journal of Consumer Research (UTD-24, FT-50, AJG-4*, ABDC-A*) and Journal of Consumer Psychology (FT-50, AJG-4*, ABDC-A*). He is a recipient of several major research awards, including ANZMAC Emerging Researcher of the Year Award, The University of Auckland Early Career Research Excellence Award (ECREA), and The University of Auckland Business School Research Excellence Award. He is also featured in the Standford University's list of the World's Top 2% of Scientists. Yuri is currently serving as the Assistant Dean of Research at the University of Auckland Business School, the Disciplinary Area Lead for Marketing Science and Consumer Research at the Department of Marketing, and the Director of Korea Studies Centre at New Zealand Asia Institute.

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